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Publisher: Alumni Assn. of the Wahl-Henius Institute, 1911. Reprint Edition,, 2005.
Hard Cover, 411 pages, 6.25 x 9.25.
Item #1298
» Look Inside The Book
Here is a hard cover, fully-illustrated reprint edition of one of the truly classic brewing books -- Origin and History of Beer and Brewing. In 1911, brewing scholar John P. Arnold set out to fill a void that existed in brewing literature. It was to be a tribute to the founders of the world-famous Chicago brewing school, the Wahl-Henius Institute of Fermentology, on the occasion of its 25th anniversary.
Up to that point, there had been no comprehensive study of the brewing of beer throughout history. Arnold, a writer and historian, was particularly well-suited to tackle the collossal job of assembling a global history of brewing. He was a former student of the Wahl-Henius Institute and a long-time writer/editor for the brewing journals Der Braumeister and Siebel Technical Review. In recognition of Arnold's contribution to the study of brewing history, has reprinted Origin and History's pages exactly as they appeared in the first edition, complete with nearly 100 illustrations. An original 1911 copy was digitally scanned, professionally enhanced and reproduced in a hard cover format. In his foreword, Arnold gave some sense of the daunting challenge that this book represented: "The historian must strive to penetrate into the daily doings and occupations of the people...He must settle down with them, help them brew the honey-mead, watch them till their fields and sow their millet, barley, oats, or spelt, bake their bread and from it learn to make their beer...he must join them at their gatherings, clannish meetings and convivial feasts, when they discuss their common affairs over a stoup of ale or a tankard of foaming beer...He must be able to picture for himself the days of the tavern and the tap-room, the 'Golden Age' of drinking and feasting...Then, and not until then, will we learn and understand the true history of beer and brewing from the early beginning to the present day." Look Inside The BookThat Arnold achieved this lofty goal is shown by the simple fact that, nearly a century later, the Origin and History of Beer and Brewing remains a cornerstone work in brewing literature. If that's not evidence enough, just take a quick glance at the amazing Table of Contents below: TABLE OF CONTENTS
Chapter 1: Man, Religion and Intoxicants Introduction The Spiritual World of Prehistoric and Early Mankind Worship and Sacrificial Cult Man and Gods Incantations, Ceremonial Dances, Incense Narcotics Intoxicating Beverages Ancient Chinese Ancient Aryans The Soma-Cult Summary and Conclusion
Chapter 2: Asia and Africa Oriental and African Races The Ancients Aryans Ancient China Babylonia and Assyria Egypt Beer the National Egyptian Beverage Beer in Religious Worship Beer of the Fellahin Papyrus Zosimus Brewing Methods The Egyptian Beers Ethiopia African Races Hebrews Armenia Phrygia
Chapter 3: Prehistoric and Ancient Europe Thracians Greeks Illyrians Pannonians Paeonians Scythians Romans Kelts Gaul Hispania Britain Keltic Names for Beer and Malt Germania Character and Customs of the Germanics Religion and Mythology Beer in the Mythological Heaven of the Germanic Norse The Slavs
Chapter 4: Medieval and Modern Europe Beer and Brewing in Germany The Period of Migrations Beginning of the Christian Era Beer and Brewing in the Beginning of Christianization Brewing in the Convents Northern Convivial Feasts and Banquets Introduction of Hops Gruit Contra Hops Origin of Hops and Hopped Beers Brewing in the Towns Rise and Decline of the Brewing Industry in the Chief Hansa Towns Brewing in the Leading Towns of Southern Germany Brewing Conditions in Prussia in the 17th and 18th Century Beer and Brewing in Austria Brewing in Bohemia Vienna The Stein-Beer of Carinthia Gambrinus Beer and Brewing in England Ale, Beer and Mead The Anglo-Saxon Beor Beowulf Taxes and Tributes Brewing and Malting Treatise of Walter Biblesworth Statues of the Brewers of Paris Domestic Brewing When were hops first used in England? Hops in the 8th Century Hop-Substitutes Beer and Hops Hops Prohibited for Ale Hop Culture
Chapter 5: United States Discovery and Settlement Brewing in the Different Colonies Brewing Industry After the Adoption of the Constitution Brewing Practice at the End of the 18th Century