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Publisher: U.S. Brewers Association, 1914.
Soft Cover, 44 pages, 6x9.
Item #1550
The United States Brewers Association issued this booklet in 1914 just after the critical "Hobson Bill" was defeated in Congress. The bill proposed an Amendment to the Constitution making all alcoholic beverages illegal throughout America, i.e. National Prohibition. The final vote was a 197 in favor and 189 against. Though not the two-thirds majority necessary to pass, the close vote stunned brewers, who immediately recognized that the age-old fight against anti-alcohol forces had just intensified dramatically. The brewing industry's propaganda office in New York City began churning out all sorts of communications criticizing the bill. This 42-page booklet contains excerpts from the Congressional Hearings on the bill, as well as editorial content about the bill from newspapers around the country.