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Publisher: Longman, Hurst, et al, London, 1825.
Hard Cover, 131 pages, 4.5 x 7.5.
Item #1636
OK, this one takes the prize for probably the longest title of any beer book: "A Practical Treatise to Render the Art of Brewing More Easy: Wherein is exemplified the method of Brewing the several sorts of Malt Liquor most generally esteemed, viz. Porter, Brown Stout, Ale, Amber, Ringwod Ale, Burton Ale, Windsor Ale, Dorchester Beer, and Table Beer: Inculcating the use of the Saccharometer in their Production, and elucidating its Utility by Examples: Accomplished by Instructions for the Purchase of Malt and Hops, and some Valuable Hints as regards the use of these Ingredients in Brewing; Also, particular Directions for the General Management of the Brewery; with Tables of the Net Excise Duties on Strong and Table Beer; The whole rendered familiar for the Public or Private Brewer. Third Edition, Improved." Whew. I don't think there's much more we can add, except to say that this a wonderful, rare, early brewing work any collector would be proud to own.