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Publisher: Brewers Guild Publications, Ltd., London, 1949.
Hard Cover, 379 pages, 6.00 x 8.50.
Item #1530
There is an interesting premise for this book. During World War II, the Incorporated Brewers' Guild of London realized that about one-third of its members were off fighting the war. Older members recalled that when they had returned home from World War I 20+ years earlier, many found it difficult to familiarize themselves with scientific advances that had been made while they were away. The Guild hoped that brewers returning home from WWII would not face the same difficulties as their predecessors, and so this book was issued for them. It is a digest of the critical articles that appeared in the Journal of the Incorporated Brewers' Guild from 1942 to the time of publication. The hope was it would act as a sort of crash-course for brewers returning to their brewery positions after serving in the military.