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Publisher: Master Brewers Assoc of the Americas, 1977.
Hard Cover, 475 pages, 6.25 x 9.25.
Item #1659
This copy is from the Ninth Printing (1991) of the Practical Brewer.
The Practical Brewer was originally published in 1946 and reprinted many times due to its popularity among brewmasters. [See 1946 edition] In 1972, with the book still in wide use, the Master Brewers Association of the Americas decided it was time to issue a new, revised edition to capture and share the brewing knowledge that had accumulated over the decades. Edited by Harold M. Broderick, the Technical Director of the MBAA, the new edition of the Practicfal Brewer covers every aspect of professional brewing up to the date of printing. Profusely illustrated.