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Publisher: Brewers Publications, 2001.
Soft Cover, 273 pages, 5.5 x 7.5.
Item #1250
It's all in the wood. Anyone who loves smoke -- in food or drink -- will find much to love in this guide to the elusive world of woodsmoked ales and lagers. So rich in the telling, the sweet aroma of smoking alder, cherry, applewood, or oak fairly rises from the pages. Imagine, if you can, the resulting flavor and sensory beauty that's transported from the smoked malt into the finished beer. The authors, experts in the little understood world of smoked styles and profiles, have written the only guide to brewing smoked beers. Together, they take the reader through smoked profiles ranging from a lovely, civilized applewood to a rich porter. And the bonus (bsides the beer?) More things than you ever wanted to know about wood, fire, and the chemistry of smoke. From the book -- "Like some other things that seem so simple on the surface (beer and relationships come to mind), a wood fire is devilishly complex underneath. Before we can explore the chemical entities that give smoked malt its flavor, we must understand what happens when wood burns."