A serious error has occured.
Please contact: email@beerbooks.com and tell them the error message below, and the exact sequence of events that led to the error.

Thank you.

Could not load library PS_GiftCert.pm : syntax error at /home/beerbooks/public_html/cgi/PS_GiftCert.pm line 119, near "else (" syntax error at /home/beerbooks/public_html/cgi/PS_GiftCert.pm line 130, near "}" "my" variable %main::psdbi_config can't be in a package at /home/beerbooks/public_html/cgi/PS_GiftCert.pm line 137, near "$main::psdbi_config" Global symbol "$connect_string" requires explicit package name (did you forget to declare "my $connect_string"?) at /home/beerbooks/public_html/cgi/PS_GiftCert.pm line 141. syntax error at /home/beerbooks/public_html/cgi/PS_GiftCert.pm line 150, near "}" "my" variable %main::psdbi_config can't be in a package at /home/beerbooks/public_html/cgi/PS_GiftCert.pm line 158, near "($main::psdbi_config" Global symbol "$now" requires explicit package name (did you forget to declare "my $now"?) at /home/beerbooks/public_html/cgi/PS_GiftCert.pm line 160. Global symbol "$now" requires explicit package name (did you forget to declare "my $now"?) at /home/beerbooks/public_html/cgi/PS_GiftCert.pm line 161. syntax error at /home/beerbooks/public_html/cgi/PS_GiftCert.pm line 166, near "}" Can't use global @_ in "my" at /home/beerbooks/public_html/cgi/PS_GiftCert.pm line 171, near "= @_" /home/beerbooks/public_html/cgi/PS_GiftCert.pm has too many errors. Compilation failed in require at (eval 6) line 1.